Spring is not here until I can hear these trucks racing around the house. Our kids love these trucks. In fact, we have had to replace the motor on a truck twice! They get used daily and the batteries get charged every night. Every time we head outside Asher wants in one of the trucks. If the girls are not home he will get in the small truck and drive himself! He has mastered the foot on the pedal, but not the hands on the steering wheel. So I walk beside the truck and steer for him.
Another sign of spring is our magnolia tree. It is so beautiful! All the pink and purple colors and the smell of flowers everywhere, absolutely wonderful.
As soon as the flowers started to open, I got my camera out and took some pictures to share.
It actually bloomed two weeks early this year. These pics were taken last week when it felt like summer outside. Sadly, these flowers don't last long and are now mostly laying on the ground waiting to be raked up. So here are a few more pics of this beautiful tree, just because I won't see it again until next year.
I can't help but think of the Lord when I look at his creation. Just as this tree opens up its flowers in the sun and praises the Lord, so do I. "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name." Psalm 103:1 A beautiful verse and song. :)