Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So long February

I just checked the last time I blogged and it was a LONG time ago. Apologies to my 3 faithful followers:) To keep a long story short, our computer monitor went out and it took us a while to find a deal on another one. When we finally purchased a new one and set it up, we started to have problems with the new screen being too 'new' for our very old computer??! Sorry if this is confusing, I really don't understand it either. If you are really concerned just contact Dustin and he will tell you what is really wrong with it. :)
Anyway, onto the littles! I know I have said it before but I love Costco! And now I am totally convinced the girls have felt the love too. They set up their own Costco for the dollhouse people!

They laid a blanket down and set up shop. This Costco sells arks (animals included!!), furniture, real horses, and just about anything else the girls could set up.

Life wouldn't be the same if the dollhouse people were not included in our daily activities. The girls always think of their well being. If we go to Costco, the dollhouse people go to Costco. If we go to church, the dollhouse people go to church. Plain and simple. I was just thinking the other day how sad it is going to be when Emma and Allison grow out of this stage. I think I might even miss these plastic people. Thank goodness that day is not today.  :)
My little man has turned quite into the animal man. It all started when Grandpa Bill gave a Noah's Ark toy (the same ark on sale at Costco!!) to the kids. Now he is totally obsessed with it.

He will set up all the animals and then try to make all the noises that animals make.

 Although the horse he is holding in the picture doesn't growl, I love Asher's little face when he pinches his nose and makes a loud roar!  We can work on correct animal noises later. That little face he makes, simply puts a smile on my face!

I plan on posting the huge kitchen before and after very soon. We still have not put up the backsplash, trim, and curtains. And quite honestly if we waited till that day, it may be summer time! Dustin and I can not agree on the backsplash. Who knew that a little ceramic tile could cause such a fuss! So the after picks of the kitchen will be without the backsplash and some other minor details.

Have a lovely day!