Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm Back!

 No, I did not fall off the planet, never to be seen or heard from again. ;)  Although sometimes, a little break would be nice!
To say our summer was busy, would be an understatement.  I think the biggest change, that turned my world upside down!!!, was Dustin's work schedule. I will spare the details, other than to say, he. was. never. home.!! Here is a quick example of what his schedule was like. Dustin has had 2 days off since June 24th!!! And I am one of those wives that enjoys my husbands company, so it has been really hard. But don't worry, he will be off this schedule soon. Can I get a hallelujah??!!
We have also tackled a huge project this summer! Our house has new siding! This was no easy task.  First, we had to put insulation in our walls becasue there was NONE there! On a side note: I am very excited to see our heating bills this winter. I know that sounds crazy, but after what we have been paying these past winters, I need to see a dramatic decrease in our usage. We have already seen a big difference in our cooling bill this summer. So, yeah for more money in our pocket! Anyway, here is a pic of Dustin putting in the insulation. We had to rent a machine that blew in the insulation. This was very tedious!

Doesn't our house look fabulous? I mean, look at the peeling paint and stripes!
Next, came the house wrap. Which, i acutually did help me dad with this job.   A little. :)
This is the back of our house. I am not comfortable enough to show you the front. Sorry. Kinda creeps me out showing the front of my house. Is that wrong? I don't know. Maybe I will build the courage up later.
I still have to take a pic of the back of the house with the new siding on it. I will post that soon.
Another reason I have been slacking on the blog is because, we have decided to homeschool the girls this year! This was a big decision for us, and I know we have made the right choice.  We kept going back and forth, until we just thought about the girls' needs, and homeschooling was it. I plan on doing some homeschool posts, and let everyone see what we do around here. We are in our fourth week and I can truly say, I love it, and I know the girls do too. Dustin and I have done hours of research this summer, trying to find the best curriculum that works for me and the girls.  I will post on it soon, and let you know the details. I am so happy we chose this path!
Finally, here a few pics from our summer. Enjoy!
 A lot of zucchini from the garden!

A few sleepovers with friends. That wrapped box is a new house for the dollhouse people!
Homemade slip and slide!

Long bike rides, my favorite. :)