Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What our pets do when we leave the house

I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "While the cats away, the mice play." 
Well, we are that "cat" and my trio of fur are the "mice." 
This is how two of the three pets keep themselves "busy" while we are away.
I'll start with Fluffy. 
We were given a piano a year ago and she kinda came with it. The owners of the piano were moving and their cat just had kittens.  They asked me if I wanted the last kitten. Really!?! It was love at first sight. She has the most unique coat on her. An all white body, with a black tail, and a white spot on the very tip. And what appears to be black eyebrows, painted unusually high. So I guess you can say I wanted to keep her for her looks. 
What was I thinking? 
I was blinded by her beauty.
So she came home with me.

Here she is with our other "well-behaved" cat.

  Fast forward a year, and she is proving that looks can be very deceiving.
Here's why. 
If there is ever a cup or any object she can push (with her paws) off a surface, she will. It doesn't matter if there is orange juice or milk in said cup. She will knock if over. When we come home from an evening out, we almost always find a cup on the floor. Or a stack of papers. We have to remind ourselves before we leave now to put every cup or glass away.

Case in point:

Every. Single. Time.
And she just stares at it like she really didn't know that was going to happen!!!!

Onto Mello. 
What can I say? 
He loves to eat!
Before we leave our house, I have to make sure there is no food on the counter tops. 
This is why:

(Sorry for the weird color.)

I still have no idea how he got that loaf of bread! I promise you that I put that bread in the back corner of my kitchen counter.  He would've had to jump on the counter to get it. Which, if that is true, makes me want to set up hidden cameras in my home just to watch this dog. 

Now this is partly my fault. That bag of Little Debbie powered donuts was in our pantry. I left the pantry door open. 
My fault. 
He demolished that bag! Not one morsel of donut was left, except a pile of powder that looked as if it had been licked a few times. 
My fault. 
And, I have no idea where he got the Skittles. I wonder if he has a secret stash of candy hidden somewhere? 
That hidden camera thing is really starting to entice me. ;)

Last, but certainly not least, the grand finale! 
I will never forget the night we came home to this:

Never EVER forget.

This happened on a cold winter night in December. We came home, took our coats off, and asked "Where's Mello?" 
He is usually waiting for us by the door. 
Not this night. 
We called for him and heard a faint scratch on our closed bathroom door. 
We never shut the bathroom door. 
How did it get shut? 
This is still a mystery to us. 
Somehow he locked himself in the bathroom and OBVIOUSLY started to panic! 
It was a MESS! 
Not to mention the huge hole in our wall.

The only good thing that will come out of this destruction, is a DIY bathroom redo. Wink, wink.

To be continued.....

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