Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bookcase Find

We started school 4 weeks ago and are already in a good rhythm. I use the Sonlight curriculum and love it! With this curriculum there are books, alotta books!! And when you have a bunch of books you need some bookcases. So, all summer I have been searching Craigslist, Goodwill, and garage sales for bookcases. I wanted 6 foot shelves, preferably matching, in whatever color. Well, guess what? I found them! It was literally everything I wanted in a bookcase. I know that sounds weird, but it is true. They were posted on Craigslist so I  asked or begged ;), if we could go get them that night. Hubs said yes! I texted the post and the lady selling them said we could get them AND even came down on the price. Cha-ching!!! That made this momma so happy!
So, we brought them home and moved some of the furniture around. They fit perfectly in the corner of our living room.

Love them!!! They were in excellent condition and all I did was dust them off.
Fast forward a month, school has begun and the shelves are full! How did that happen? Well, I gathered all the kids' books as well as the homeschool textbooks and readers we use. Put them in an organized fashion (each shelf has a purpose), and it filled fast! 

It is a relief to finally have all the homeschool books organized. Last year, we spent a good deal of time searching for books. Now, the girls know where all their books are, and even Asher has the bottom shelves for his books! We had books scattered in every room of our house! I guess it didn't hit me how many books we had until i started looking for all of them. So happy all of them are together!

On other matters, do you see that not-so-pleasant-looking chair in the pic? What should I do with it?
Paint the legs? Reupholster? I found it at my mom's and like it by the bookcase. Now what?

Happy Hunting!!

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