Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday Spectacles

I love Saturdays! The kids are home and I get to tackle projects that I can't complete on weekdays. One of those projects was to clean out our tiny linen closet. So I removed everything from the closet and I found a small bag full of my old glasses. I didn't think anything of it but when the girls saw the glasses it was like finding buried treasure!

As you can see from the picture, Asher got a hold of the top pair. Does the outcome surprise anyone?
Anyway, the girls went nuts over them! I first had to pop the lenses out of the frame. After that, their imagination went wild! As soon as they put the glasses on, they suddenly transformed into people they know who have glasses. (Luckily, I was not one of the people they pretended to be. When the girls act like me it is so embarrassing to watch.)

Here they are at church with ALL their children. Allison had eight kids and Emma only had one. They also had to bring ALL their purses and diaper bags. These girls know how to pack a pew! They played like this for an hour and then they came back to reality. Of course, they had to keep the glasses on!

In other news, we are now working on the floor in our kitchen! I am so excited! Here is a picture of the backer board going down. You can see the original green 1950's floor. It is just screaming "Cover me up!" So that is what we intend to do!

My dad installed the backer board himself and when Dustin gets the chance, he will install the new tile floor. Dustin already measured out all the cuts he has to make to the tile. Asher HAD to help his daddy with the measurements!

Asher had to make sure there were no mistakes!

Asher can be very helpful sometimes. Just don't give him a pair of glasses ;)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!! So excited for you on your kitchen! (I am also so glad someone else out there can understand the pain of a 1950s green floor) Your kids are beautiful!
